
A ministry for women, run by women.

Kristi Morgan

Founder & President

The Lord has been preparing me for this ministry for a long time. From attaining a degree in Psychology from the University of Delaware to the various professions I have had, such as teaching gymnastics, running a daycare, being a personal trainer and being the director of an exercise program for people with special needs, He has given me the tools and gifts I need for this. Although I wasn't always following Him during those years, there came a time after being married, having three wonderful kids and then being divorced, when I began searching for the truth and Jesus revealed Himself to me through the Bible. Once I surrendered my life to Him, the course of my life took a new turn, which led me to getting married, moving to Lynn, AR and eventually getting involved with a local women's drug rehab ministry. Through that association, my husband and I saw the need for a transition program for women and their children and the vision of Glory to Glory Refuge began to take shape. Our goal is to honor the Lord in all we do, both in our personal lives and in this ministry.

Samantha Lawson

VP & Marketing

My husband and I met when we were very young, I was 14 and he was 15. We eventually married and had 2 beautiful girls. After 15 years of living without God, experiencing addiction and allowing the devil to infiltrate our lives in every way, including our children, we finally surrendered to Jesus and were baptized together in September of 2019. My goal in this earthly life is to shine a light so bright that others can find their way out of the darkness, in the name of Jesus!

Karyn Young

Secretary & Treasurer

I've been married to my husband for over 25 years and we have 2 grown children. After 30+ years in the IT industry, I retired in 2018. Although I've been in church all my life, I did not live a life surrendered to the Lord. But that all changed in the last 10 years and I now desire to seek His Will in all I do. After meeting Kristi and her husband, John Paul, at a Samaritan's Purse house rebuild project in 2020, I knew our lives would never be the same. I am honored to be a part of this ministry.